Consagração das Festas e o Agradecimento

Salmo 117

Louvai a Deus, vós, nações tôdas, vós, povos todos, rendei-lhe louvores!
Porque grande é para conosco sua benignidade, e a verdade de Deus subsiste para sempre. Louvai ao Senhor!

Celebrando o Momento Presente

... "Deus está em tudo e em todos!"... "Sempre Abençoando a todos e a tudo!"
... "Deus Seja Louvado!"... "Aleluia, Aleluia, Aleluia!"... e Viva a Felicidade pela Confraternização da Vida!
Luz é Conhecimento!... Agradecimento é Sabedoria!... e essa Celebração é o Cálice de Vinho, levantado, para o Legítimo Brinde!!!...
Chef Roberto Festa Araújo

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chef Roberto Festa Araujo

Chef Roberto Festa Araújo
was Born in São Paulo, Brazil.
He was a Journalist and Professional Photographer for 30 years and
he has been a Chef for 22 years.

Chef Mizinha

Chef Mizinha

 was Born in São Paulo, Brazil.

Daughter of Japanese parents she is a Chef and

Social Etiquette Teacher for 22 years.

2009 Classes Calendar December

December 2009

Brazilian Cuisine
Coxa de Frango Recheada com Farofa
Salada de Maionese e Creme de Abacate
Date 05 (Sat)

Italian Cuisine
Insalata di Patate Al Formagio
Spaghetti alla Putanesca, Mousse di Cachi
Date: 02(Wed)

Timetable and Lesson Fee

1:00pm – 5:00pm   or  6:00pm –10:00pm
Price \ 6.900- 
(Recipe’s Ingredientes and Kitchenware, Wine or Non-alcoholic beverage included)    
If you wish to make a take away dish to your home, please bring your food container 
*December Classes in Tokyo-to Itabashi-Ku (Metro station Itabashi Kuyakusho Mae - Toei Mita Line)

Places are limited therefore reservations are absolutely necessary

Tokyo-to  Itabashi-ku  Shibuya-ku  Ikebukuro-ku
Tel/Fax .03-6273-2330


2009 Classes Calendar November

November 2009

Brazilian Cuisine
Caldinho de Feijão,
Espetinho de Calabresa e Frango com
Salada Fresca,
Banana Flambada com canela e Sorvete
Date 07( Sat) 11(Wed) 19(Thu) 28(Sat)

Italian Cuisine
Insalata di Pollo,
Spaghetti alla Napoletana,
Crema di Mascarpone
Date: 04( Wed) 12( Thu) 21(Sat) 25(Wed)

France Cuisine
Velouté de Chou-Fleu au Mascarpone
Bavette Grillée Sauce Béarnaise
Ananas Frit a la Cannelle
Date: 05(Thu) 14(Sat) 18( Wed) 26(Thu)

Timetable and Lesson Fee
1:00pm – 5:00pm or 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Price \ 6.900-
(Recipe’s Ingredientes and Kitchenware, Wine or Non-alcoholic beverage included)
If you wish to make a take away dish to your home, please bring your food container.

*November Classes in Tokyo-to Itabashi-Ku (Metro station Itabashi Kuyakusho Mae - Toei Mita Line)

Places are limited therefore reservations are absolutely necessary

Tokyo-to  Itabashi-ku  Shibuya-ku  Ikebukuro-ku
Tel/Fax .03-6273-2330 

2009 Classes Calendar October

October 2009

Brazilian Cuisine
Moqueca de Frango (chicken Moqueca  
Arroz Branco (Garlic rise) 

Salada de folhas (Brazilian green Salad)
Sobremesa Gelada de Abacaxi (Pineapple desse
Date 21(Wed)  24(Sat)  29(Thu) 

Italian Cuisine

Pasta al Limone,   
Cotoletta alla Milanese,   
Mele al forno

Date:  22(Thu)  31(Sat)

France Cuisine

Oeufs Cocotte Bacon Ciboulette, 
Dés de Saumon et crème d’avocat, 
Clafoutis Al Kiwi
Date:  28(Wed)

Timetable and Lesson Fee
1:00pm – 5:00pm  or  6:00pm – 10:00pm
Price \ 6.900-
(Recipe’s Ingredientes and Kitchenware, Wine or Non-alcoholic beverage included)   
If you wish to make a take away dish to your home, please bring your food container.

*October Classes in  Tokyo-to Itabashi-Ku (Metro station Itabashi Kuyakusho Mae - Toei Mita Line)

Places are limited therefore reservations are absolutely necessary

Tokyo-to  Itabashi-ku  Shibuya-ku  Ikebukuro-ku
Tel/Fax .03-6273-2330